EDUcentrum is a non-profit organisation that strives to support innovative forms and methods of education, employability and entrepreneurship based on cross-sectoral cooperation. Our team consist of experienced educational experts, project managers and researchers who strongly believe that changing traditional perspectives on education and labour market is the key to impact our living and working environment.
Annual Report 2022, 2021, 2020, 2019, 2018, 2017, 2016
Download our logo here.
EDUcentrum, z.ú.
Seat: K Lomu 1056, 252 29 Dobřichovice
Branch: Thámova 32, 186 00 Praha 8 - Karlín
ID: 229 053 41
PIC: 947764012
E-mail: info@educentrum.eu

Mgr. Lenka Doležalová Pavilková Director of EDUcentrum. Experienced manager with pedagogical education. She has built one of the largest language schools in the Czech Republic and has long been dedicated to improving the quality of language education. info(at)educentrum.eu

Tereza Pálková
Project manager with many years of experience as a lecturer and project methodologist. She studied philology at FF UPOL. He specializes in active citizenship of young people and English language acquisition.
+420 778 798 366

Radka Muchová
Project and process manager with background in linguistics acquired during studies of translation and interpreting at Charles University. She manages projects on both national and international level.
+420 778 798 363

Magdaléna Hanáčková
Project manager with years of experience in education and project management. She graduated in Philosophy and English and American Studies at the Faculty of Arts at UPOL and later completed her pedagogical qualification. She is mainly engaged in innovative approaches in education, the topics of well-being, high sensitivity and psychological aspects of educational processes and educational projects at national and international level.
+420 778 798 364