WRITE 2015-2017
2015-2017, the team of EDUcentrum implemented an Erasmus+ international partnership project WORK, RESEARCH AND INNOVATION FOR TOMORROW’S ENTREPRENEURS. WRITE seeked to encourage employment and entrepreneurship of young generation. Within the framework of the project, the partnership carried out research focused on major stakeholders: young people, employers and educational institutions. The project intended to transform the know-how about the skills of young people, needs and requirements of the employers, and education and training opportunities into new training opportunities for young people, which help young people to be successful in their career as well as in their lives.
Outputs The main results of the project cover facilitation of learning through use of ICT and new educational packages based on gamification principles and stimulation of youth inventiveness through mentoring actions for start-up creation. Outputs to read: Report about the Early School Leaving and the Access into the Labour Market in the Czech Republic Newsletter 1 January 2016 Newsletter 2 March 2016 Newsletter 3 May 2016 Newsletter 3 May 2016 Newsletter 4 July 2016 Newsletter 5 December 2016 Newsletter 6 June 2017

Together with partners from Italy, Greece, Slovakia and Bulgaria, we designed and developed a training platform for you. The main topics are:
Presentation skills in English
How to be successful in the labout market
How to use social media for professional purposes
Participation is useful for students, teachers, youth workers as well as other interested persons.
Leaflet about platform in Czech language is here.
To start studying, please register here.